JoleneSnow -Girl who went through hell to finally meet heaven.
sad =(
Thursday, March 05, 2009

this is jmes here posting on jolene's behalf.
jolene might be dwn wit chicken pox and will be staying at home for the next 14days.
she cant attend sch ; work etc.
and mi ? being her beloved will pei her all these while haha . too bad as i love her.=)
so yeah any1 wants to visit her can contact her.
hope dat is juz rashes and is not chicken pox.
so;dun worry much .
cheerup ~ screw all the virus up =)

Behind the glamour.

Who says a wayward kid will stay wayward forever? ™
Better Known as SNOW
I'm an Author, Entrepreneur and Glutton all in ONE!
12th October 1990, I'm a libran and lovin it!
I'm the author of (Jolene's Story), my first published memoir, a true life story under Marshall Cavendish!

-Wee Hwee Haw

Easily triggered emotionally and temperamentally. The perfect example of a girl who went through hell to finally meet heaven.

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I tweet nonsense all day long.


Jolene's Story