I must admit.. I have been feeling down this few days.
There was so much on my mind that everything seemed to be taking a toll on me.
I was struggling with my studies,work,art,family & many other things.
I felt exhausted but I didn't know who to turn to.
All I could do was pray.
Nobody knew much about what is going on behind my smile.
I found out just recently that the person who befriended me so sincerely was not who he really was.
My grandmother has been dabbling in all the loan shark stuffs again.
My mom's too busy w her boyfr.
84 days more to Olevels. I have no time to waste.
I gotta rush my art.
I have been thinking whether I should stop working or not as I really want to put all my time into studying.
However,If I stop,I would definitely struggle financially.
Praise the Lord,I received a blessing today & this miracle really surprised me.
My doubts found its answer.
I can stop working but continue to give tuition.
Thus,I can put my time to studying & serving the Lord.
I have an awesome God !!
I cant blog anymore.
Thanks James for staying by me & cheering me up.
Thanks Brother Jo for the blessing.
Thank you Lord for not forsaking me.
P.S: I may not be blogging so much. Reason : STUDY!!