Helloooooos ! I've been busy so pardon me for th lack of updates
Wednesday 15th April 09.
(:Anyways, lets backtrack. Hmmmm,missed sch tday as i was late.
Thanks to Mr Liu Jun Hong,James. I left home so early t surprise him,thn in the end...
Waited so long f him under his block.
Ended up went point for Mac.
Green for Self-study. ( I actually studied 7chapters of Physics )
Thts like so :o right ?
Thn back to Baby's house.
He is taking a nap now =.=
Baby studying...
Cute (:
He was trying to mk me laugh after making me pissed -.-''
Tuesday 14th April 09.
Gave cousin tution.
Babysitted him.
Monday 13th April 09.
Had this very boring STRETCH English programme after sch.
Went point w Baby to shop f groceries.
Cooked Italy Noodles and my special dish f his family + Jason.
Chicken cocktail wrapped w Bacon.
Was so full =D
It was rather oily bt still superb !
Baby loved it !
Did this graffiti out of boredom :x
Sunday 12th April 09.
Baby and me woke up around 9plus.
Prepared and Baby sent me to Expo to meet up w Samuel,Jbl.
Attended Easter Service at City Harvest.
WOW is th only word i can describe it.
Service was fun & interesting too..
Met new friends,Karen,Clarence,Lester etc.
They are very friendly and great peeps,
Thank you Mr Jbl for bringing me to CHC.
After fellowship at T3,Changi Airport,
I left to meet up w Boyfr & co for movie.
Aloysius's brother,Thaddeous is superly cute!!
Caught this. 7/10.Bit giddy :x Too many flashing lights.
Power trip halfway through th movie :x
Golden Village , tsk tsk tsk.
I forgive you thou,Accidents do happen :P
Samuel th dinosaur :D